Experience the authentic Pyrenean lifestyle

Create unforgettable memories in our comfortable lodgings, surrounded by nature

Casa Lola a flat and some studio apartments in stunning settings

Our flat and apartments offer everything you need for a comfortable stay, including a fully equipped kitchen, private bathroom, comfortable bed and free Wi-Fi. We also have an excellent customer service department, ready to help you with anything you need during your holiday.


Fully equipped


Private bathroom

Air conditioning

In all our apartments

Jumping-off point

Strategic location

Local sightseeing information

We can help you get the most out of your stay


Are welcome!

Outdoor activities

Our region offers a multitude of outdoor activities, such as mountain biking, hiking, climbing, horseback riding and many more. There is also a geological zone of interest with a rich geological and paleontological history.

Interested in exploring by bike?

There are plenty of cycling routes nearby, from simple paths to steeper trails. Explore the marked itineraries, which are sure to keep you coming back for more!

Geology buff?

The region boasts a rich diversity of geological features that are sure to impress geology enthusiasts.

Group holidays?

The ideal place to visit if you’re looking to disconnect from the city and enjoy nature in its purest state.

Are you a mountain climber?

We are surrounded by exceptional mountain climbing, boasting interesting terrain and well-marked routes. Explore a range of options that offer different challenges.

If you need to visit the Academy…

If you’re visiting a family member who is studying at the Talarn military academy, our apartments offer the perfect place to stay during the commissions and other important events. We are located very close to the Academy, so you won’t have to worry about travelling long distances or getting stuck in traffic.

Sobrevolant el Pallars Jussà
Bicicleta al Pallars Jussà
Vista de tremp
Ossos de dinosaure al Museu Conca d'ellà


A place worth visiting if you’re looking for a special and unique experience

How to get here


Book the falt directly from the web
Book your apartment directly from the web
If you want to make a query, contact us by phone, email or by filling out the form.

    Purposes: Respond to your requests and send you commercial information about our products and services, including by email. Legitimation: Consent of the interested party. Recipients: No data transfer is intended. Rights: You can withdraw your consent at any time, as well as access, rectification, deletion of your data and other rights at info@casalola.info. Additional information: You can expand the information in the Imprint link.